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Youth activists call on decision-makers to declare vaping nicotine a mental health issue
Young activists gathered at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to call attention to the impact that vaping nicotine is having on youth mental health and
Young activists want the White House to know vaping nicotine is a mental health issue
Young people nationwide are mobilizing to demand that the White House, the Food and Drug Administration, and other decision makers declare youth vaping nicot
Young people join Truth Initiative® to demand action on youth vaping nicotine as mental health issue
Young activists rally to raise awareness by calling on Capitol Hill decision-makers in Washington, D.C. during Moment of Action for Mental Health
Our top issues
In our fight to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction, we focus on the issues that matter most. To identify these priorities, we constantly monitor, investigate and analyze the latest topics and trends in commercial tobacco and substance use. These are our top issues.
Truth Initiative and Surgeon General Take the Stage at The Atlantic Festival to Discuss Vaping as a Youth Mental Health Issue
Truth Initiative took to The Atlantic Festival stage during a session called Thrive: A Youth Mental-Health Summit to draw awareness to the connection between
Why tobacco is a racial justice issue
Truth Initiative has long recognized that racism is a public health issue and found that there are major reasons why racial disparities in tobacco use persis
#STOPPROFILING: Tobacco is a social justice issue
The tobacco industry deliberately singles out communities that already face adversity and inequality with aggressive marketing tactics that equal profiling.<
Tobacco is a social justice issue: The military
Tobacco use disproportionately affects many populations—the same groups who have a long history of being exploited by the tobacco industry.
Vaping Lingo Dictionary: A guide to popular terms and devices
This resource presents a list of popular words, phrases, products and general language used to refer to vaping/e-cigarette use.
Vaping prevention and quit resources: top tips for parents and educators
Here are free resources that exist to help prevent youth e-cigarette use and help those already vaping quit.
#NoMentholMonday: Why menthol is a social justice issue
The marketing of menthol cigarettes toward African Americans is a social justice issue.
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