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What We Do

Truth Initiative conducts groundbreaking research and policy studies, giving people the facts they need to know about smoking, vaping, nicotine, and the commercial tobacco industry. We engage individuals and groups to make change in their communities, innovate new ways to end tobacco use, and join forces with collaborators committed to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addition and empowering quitting for all. In short: we seek, speak, and spread the truth about smoking, vaping and nicotine.


​Research and evaluation

Truth Initiative Schroeder Institute®

Research and evaluation are powerful tools in public health. Truth Initiative Schroeder Institute is a leading and trusted voice in tobacco research, and our groundbreaking studies power everything we do. Our world-class scientists and researchers rigorously investigate the latest issues and trends in smoking, vaping and nicotine, analyze policies that can protect communities and evaluate the impact of our efforts to make tobacco use and nicotine addiction a thing of the past.

​Visit the Schroeder Institute

Youth smoking prevention and education

truth campaign

Our award-winning and lifesaving national tobacco prevention counter-marketing campaign is our primary vehicle for exposing the truth about smoking, vaping and nicotine. The truth campaign delivers the facts about tobacco and industry tactics so young people can make informed choices and influence others to do the same. Our track record of saving millions of lives proves one thing: The truth works. Given our record of success and unmatched expertise among public education programs targeted to young people, we are also lending our expertise to the opioid epidemic and engaging young people in conversations about the risks of addiction.

The ​truth campaign is evolving to address current youth substance misuse issues.


Saving lives through the truth campaign

Since its launch, truth has contributed to a massive decline in teen cigarette use: From nearly 23% in 2000 to around 2% today.

Explore the truth campaign


​In its first four years alone, truth was directly responsible for keeping 450,000 teens from starting to smoke.


truth has prevented millions of young people from becoming smokers, including 2.5 million between 2015 and 2018 alone.


Since 2019, a first-of-its-kind, free and anonymous text messaging program by truth has become a resource for over 750,000 young people on their journey to quit vaping nicotine.

Community and youth engagement

​We amplify the impact of truth with on-the-ground action. We inspire and mobilize young people to serve as drivers of social change and empower individuals, coalitions and organizations to take action in their communities.

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Grants and scholarships

We offer several grants and scholarship opportunities to empower individuals and groups who share our vision of reducing tobacco use.

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Community projects

Tobacco use disproportionately affects many populations, including people in low-income communities, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT individuals, women, youth, members of the military and those with mental health conditions. We work with organizations and leaders to serve and support people within these communities.

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teen activists

Youth training presentations

​We offer in-person training presentations to inspire today’s youth and young adults to be the generation that ends tobacco use.

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Innovations to end tobacco use

We combat tobacco use and nicotine addiction on all fronts, including being a leader in developing programs to quit smoking, vaping, or using any tobacco. By leveraging the latest technologies, we innovate ways to support youth and adults, such as designing, building and deploying digital applications to help end their addiction. EX Program for individuals and organizations who want to support their populations in quitting have helped millions of people on their journeys to quit smoking, vaping, or using any tobacco or nicotine product. Our research has shown that EX Program Enterprise text messages, originally branded as This is Quitting, can increase your odds of quitting by up to 40%. EX Program Premium clients following best practices see quit rates up to 52%.


To make culture-wide change, we need to join forces with leaders in the public, private and nonprofit sectors who are committed to a future free from lifelong addiction. Our ability to command the attention and respect of young people with nearly 80% brand awareness attracts high-profile partners who are innovators in their fields. Together, we expand our influence and impact to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addition and empower quitting for all.

Partnership opportunities

We collaborate with like-minded brands and organizations on products, promotional campaigns, programs, events and experiences that inspire young audiences.

Featured partnerships

We partner with some of the best brands and organizations in the business. Learn more about the ways we’ve joined forces.