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What We Do

To achieve a future free from nicotine addiction, we focus on behavior change and policy change that prevents addiction, supports quitting, expands cessation access, and addresses systemic inequities.

Girl from You Got This ad on her cellphone

Proven-effective digital cessation programs

We offer evidence-based quitting resources for individuals, states, organizations, health plans, and employers. EX® Program by Truth Initiative, developed with Mayo Clinic, has helped millions of people build the skills and confidence to successfully quit, and our research has shown that using EX Program can increase odds of quitting by up to 40%.

Learn more about EX Program and EX Program Enterprise
Girl viewing the vaping curriculum page on a laptop

Youth and young adult nicotine addiction prevention and education

We are inspiring a movement to create a future free from nicotine addiction by empowering young people to quit or never start in the first place. Through nationally recognized public education campaigns, as well as in-school curriculums, we give young people the information they need to live free from nicotine addiction and influence their peers to do the same.

Learn more about how we prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction

​Research and evaluation

As a science-based organization, our work is backed by rigorous research and evaluation from the Truth Initiative Schroeder Institute and Innovations Center. Our researchers provide the evidence base that informs our work, empowers quitting, drives policy change at the local, state, and national levels, and constantly evaluates our work to ensure effectiveness and maximum return on investment.

Policy leadership and community engagement

We protect the public from nicotine addiction by advancing impactful policies to reduce youth access to nicotine by combating the illegal e-cigarette market, removing youth-appealing flavored products, holding retailers accountable, increasing access to cessation services, and reducing tobacco imagery in entertainment media and pop culture. We also inspire, mobilize, and train young people to drive policy change in their communities and on their campuses.

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Grants and scholarships

We offer grants and scholarships opportunities to empower individuals and groups who share our vision of reducing tobacco use.

Learn more


To inspire widespread behavior change, we need to join forces with leaders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors who are committed to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empowering quitting for all. Together, we can expand our influence and maximize our impact.