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Featured Community Projects

Truth Initiative encourages young people to take action in their communities by developing and implementing local commercial tobacco control projects. From a documentary on the infiltration of menthol cigarettes into the African-American community to a children's book encouraging Native American youth to reject tobacco, young people across the nation are engaging, educating and empowering their community members to end tobacco use.

Explore examples of youth activists in action.

Youth activists on a bench

“Kickin It and Better Mind, Better Future”

Former truth Ambassador Kristin Reid and Briana Brooks partered up to create up to create a safe space for students at Oakwood University to relieve stress and promote wellness.

See how activists are taking on mental health and self-care
denali dreams

"Denali Dreams"

Youth activism fellow Logan Brown wrote a children’s book to promote tobacco prevention among Native Americans, who smoke at higher rates than any other racial or ethnic group.

Read "Denali Dreams"

“Black lives / Black Lungs”

The documentary “Black lives / Black Lungs” explores the history, marketing tactics and impact of the tobacco industry targeting African-Americans with menthol tobacco products.

Watch "Black lives / Black Lungs"
Katelynd Todd this is a tobacco free community

Tobacco-free communities

Katelynd Todd was driven to adopt a new tobacco-free policy at her apartment complex after learning about the harms of secondhand smoke and the benefits of smoke-free environments.

Learn how her apartment complex went tobacco-free

Our mission is to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empower quitting for all. This is how we're doing.

See our impact

Get the latest facts and analyses on the most important issues in commercial tobacco and substance use.

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