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Curriculums to address vaping, cannabis use, and prescription drug misuse

Truth Initiative and Kaiser Permanente, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, have launched a national youth vaping prevention curriculum made available to schools by leading social impact innovator EVERFI.  

Our free digital courses guide students through the dangers associated with vaping nicotine, cannabis use, and prescription drug misuse. Through real-world scenarios delivered in an authentic peer-to-peer youth voice, students are empowered to make healthy and informed choices and help others do the same. 

Girl viewing the vaping curriculum page on a laptop

Vaping: Know the truth

Youth nicotine addiction remains a serious public health concern, with nearly 40% of middle and high school students who currently vape reporting frequent use. To educate young people about the dangers of vaping, we provide Vaping: Know the truth, a free digital curriculum that guides students through real-world scenarios surrounding vaping nicotine, short- and long-term cannabis vaping, and the co-use of nicotine and cannabis.  

This self-led interactive curriculum also offers quitting resources to help young people who are currently vaping through our free and anonymous text messaging program, now part of EX Program, which has enrolled over 840,000 users. An evaluation of the program found that enrolled teens were 35% more likely to report not using nicotine after seven months.  

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Opioids Pills and Bottle

Prescription Drug Safety: Know the truth

To help young people better understand and navigate the growing prescription drug misuse crisis in our country, Prescription Drug Safety: Know the truth educates middle and high school students about the facts, risks, and dangers of misusing prescription medications, as well as counterfeit pills containing fentanyl. Prescription Drug Safety: Know the truth marks the second collaboration between Truth Initiative and EVERFI and is modeled after the success of Vaping: Know the truth. 

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Our mission is to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empower quitting for all. This is how we're doing.

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