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    Displaying 132 of 953 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in Louisiana 2023

    An up-to-date look at tobacco use rates, tobacco control funding, tobacco laws, cessation statistics, and tobacco tax in Louisiana.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Three tips for quitting smoking from an expert

    If you are quitting smoking, here are three pieces of advice from some of Dr. J. Taylor Hays, M.D. most popular blog posts.

  3. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in Texas 2023

    An up-to-date look at tobacco use rates, tobacco control funding, tobacco laws, cessation statistics, and tobacco tax in Texas.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    JUUL e-cigarette craze highlights why flavored tobacco products are so dangerous

    Cigarettes came in flavors like berry, vanilla, margarita and many others until 2009, when federal lawmakers banned them — with the exception of menthol — du

  5. As Teen Smoking Rate Hits Historic Low, Youth Tobacco Use Hits Record High Derailing Years of Progress and Putting a New Generation at Risk

    The youth smoking rate has fallen to just 3.7%, but e-cigarettes have put millions of teens on a path to nicotine addiction with a largely unregulated produc

  6. Big Tobacco finally forced to tell the truth about its deadly products through court-ordered ads

    The tobacco industry has begun publishing advertisements, or “corrective statements,” outlining the truth about the deadly and harmful effects of cigarettes.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Mapping a COVID-19 vulnerability: Areas of South and Midwest have fewer hospital beds and higher smoking rates

    Alarmingly, areas of the country with high rates of smoking are also among those with lower hospital capacity.

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How a vaping prevention curriculum can help teachers, schools and communities reverse the youth e-cigarette epidemic

    A modern approach that’s guiding teachers and educating America’s youth about the dangers associated with e-cigarette use and vaping is meeting an urgent nee

  9. New Report Details Alarming Surge in Tobacco Imagery in On-Screen Entertainment Most Popular Among Youth and Young Adults

    Tobacco imagery is surging in shows, social media, music videos and movies — including nearly every Best Picture nominee at the 2024 Academy Awards

  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    4 things parents need to know about JUUL and nicotine addiction

    JUUL e-cigarettes are popular among youth because of their sleek appearance and appealing flavor, but many are unaware that JUUL packs a powerful nicotine pu

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where we stand: Federal collection of electronic nicotine delivery systems marketing & product data

    he Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has collected information on the sales and marketing expenditures of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products and reported

  12. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    FDA enforcement likely resulting in minimal impact on e-cigarette accessibility

    New study finds that nearly all warning letters sent during the timeframe targeted small, online retailers, likely resulting in minimal impact on e-cigarette