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    Displaying 1188 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Graphic Cigarette Warnings Proposed by FDA Are Long Overdue, But Agency Must Meet March 2020 Deadline to Finalize Them

    The graphic cigarette health warnings proposed by the FDA are a critical and long-overdue step forward in the nation’s battle against tobacco use.

  2. Our Team

    Jennifer Kreslake

    As Vice President of Truth Initiative's Schroeder Institute, Dr.

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    Where we stand: Invest in research on sub-populations

    Tobacco is not an equal opportunity destroyer.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    #NoMentholMonday: Why menthol is a social justice issue

    The marketing of menthol cigarettes toward African Americans is a social justice issue.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    E-cigarettes as accessories: How vaping companies market products as stylish

    The advertisements for the launch of JUUL are just one example of how e-cigarette companies position their products as trendy and fashionable.

  6. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    How tax increases could impact e-cigarette sales

    E-cigarette sales at convenience stores in Minneapolis increased significantly after Minnesota increased taxes on tobacco products in 2013, followed by a dec

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where we stand: Child-resistant packaging and warning labels for ends

    Prompted by increases in calls to poison control centers related to exposure of children to nicotine, in late June 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FD

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    18 schools pledge to go tobacco-free through college program initiative

    The Truth Initiative Tobacco-Free College Program provides up to $20,000 for schools to engage their campus community to address smoking and tobacco use.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Common smoking triggers and how to beat them

    For smokers preparing to quit, figuring out how to deal with triggers is one of the first steps to successfully making a plan to quit.

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    One big way to improve the wellbeing of military veterans and caregivers

    Hidden Heroes has partnered with Truth Initiative® to offer caregivers access to the EX® Program, a quit-smoking program developed in collaboration with Mayo

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Five facts about smoking and cancer on #worldcancerday

    Five facts about smoking and cancer on #worldcancerday

  12. FDA’s Graphic Cigarette Warnings Show and Tell the Deadly Truth About Smoking – They Must Be Fully Implemented and Vigorously Defended

    By issuing a final rule requiring large, graphic health warnings on cigarette packs and advertising, the FDA has taken a critical step forward in the nation’