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  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    What the Oscars tell us about smoking in the movies in 2017

    Of the 2017 Oscar-nominated feature films that were rated PG-13 (excluding animation and documentary categories), 70 percent depicted tobacco use.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    LBGT History Month: Why are smoking rates higher in LGBT communities?

    Tobacco use plays a unique role in LGBT history, reflecting in large part the tobacco industry’s long history of targeting the LGBT community.

  3. Our Team

    Samuel Rose

    Samuel “Sam” Rose, a rising junior at Spartanburg Community College in South Carolina, brings his personal journey as a former e-cigarette user to his role a

  4. Cigarette smoking has declined but population disparities among populations are cause for concern

    It is terrific news that the results of the National Health Interview Survey, released today by the U.S.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How African-American leaders are taking on menthol

    African-American organizations, public health groups and other tobacco control advocates are stepping up efforts to restrict the sale of menthol cigarettes.<

  6. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    “E-cig” or “vape”? Why semantics matter

    If someone is puffing on an electronic device, is that product called an e-cig; vape; hookah pen?

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth?

    Cigarette butts have the longstanding distinction of being the most littered item on earth, with about 4.5 trillion cigarettes discarded each year worldwide.

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 things you can do about toxic cigarette litter

    About 4.5 trillion cigarettes are discarded each year worldwide, making cigarette butts the most littered item on earth.

  9. Truth Initiative Board Announces Appointment of Kathy Crosby as New CEO and President

    Kathy's impressive background, extensive experience and passion for public health make her an exceptional choice to lead Truth Initiative.

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Who goes to vape shops?

    A recent study finds that vape shop visitors tend to be a racial/ethnic minority, skew younger (age 18-24) and are less financially secure.

  11. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    How humor can boost response rates in online survey research

    Incorporating humor tailored to the voice of the audience can be an easy, efficient and effective way to increase survey response rates among young adults.

  12. New research underscores need for FDA take action on misleading packaging

    Nearly 64 percent of Natural American Spirit smokers inaccurately believe the cigarettes are less harmful, compared to 8.3 percent of smokers of other brands