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  1. Our Team

    Kathy Crosby

    Kathy Crosby is the CEO and President of Truth Initiative, the nation's largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to achieving a culture where a

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    4 foods and drinks that could help smokers quit

    Certain foods and drinks can be a potential benefit—or burden—when trying to quit smoking.

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    FTC intends to track e-cig sales and marketing

    All indications are that the popularity of e-cigarettes is rising.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    What is Zyn and what are oral nicotine pouches?

    As youth e-cigarette use remains a public health concern a different type of flavored nicotine product is gaining popularity: oral nicotine pouches.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    The youth e-cigarette epidemic: 5 important things to know

    After decades of drops in the youth smoking rate, e-cigarettes are now the most popular tobacco product among young people — and their popularity is growing.

  6. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Millions of smokers go online for help to quit each year

    More than 12 million U.S. adults — a third of all smokers — turn to the internet for help quitting each year, according to a new Truth Initiative study.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Read this before trying to quit smoking ‘cold turkey’

    Quitting “cold turkey” has a low success rate due to the nature of addiction — addiction undermines willpower, or the ability to control impulses through dec

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    A key to successfully quit smoking and stay quit

    There’s a key to successfully quitting that isn’t well known: celebrating the work you’ve done to become tobacco-free.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Three ways to support loved ones while they quit smoking

    If someone you care about is quitting tobacco, it can be difficult to know what to say and do. Here are three tips for people supporting a quitter.

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    What helps smokers stick with an Internet quit smoking program?

    Smokers who use an Internet quit smoking program are more likely to stick with it if they connect with other members in an online social network.

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    CDC shines light on teens' increasing exposure to e-cigarette ads

    Data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that 7 in 10 students in middle school and high school said they were expos

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Teen smoking drops to 7%

    Teen cigarette smoking hit a historic low in 2015, according to data released by the annual Monitoring the Future report.