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    Displaying 1260 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    2015 state fact sheets

    A look at the most recent tobacco use statistics in each state including cigarette use, economics, and state tobacco laws.

  2. Infographic Infographic Research & Resources

    "Countries" with the highest adult smoking rates

    Countries with the highest adult smoking rates: Tobacco Nation

  3. Infographic Infographic Research & Resources

    African American Infographic

    There are up to 10x more tobacco ads in black neighborhoods than in other neighborhoods

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How to support someone who wants to break up with their vape

    Parting ways with vaping can be difficult, and encouragement from friends and family can make a big difference.

  5. Infographic Infographic Research & Resources

    Schools in low income areas

    There are more tobacco retailers near schools in low-income areas than in other areas

  6. Infographic Infographic Research & Resources

    Banning menthol could save lives

    Rates of smokers reporting they would quit if menthol cigarettes were banned

  7. 2022 Annual Report

    We are pleased to share the significant progress we made in 2022, detailed in this report: Ending Big Tobacco's Influence

  8. Video Video Research & Resources

    The culture of smoking in the military

    Former Secretary of the U.S.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    5 ways cigarette litter impacts the environment

    Worldwide, about 4.5 trillion cigarettes are littered each year. Here’s a look at how that impacts the environment.

  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Helping people with HIV/AIDS quit smoking

    Smoking cigarettes is dangerous for everyone, but for people with HIV, it puts them at a higher risk of the negative health effects of tobacco use and HIV-re

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Happy 100th, National Parks! Now, how about going 100 percent smoke-free?

    As the National Park Service celebrates 100 years, it has an opportunity to take another leap forward in its mission by going 100 percent smoke-free.

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    New research will explore ways to help heavy drinkers quit smoking

    Researchers at the Schroeder Institute® for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at Truth Initiative have been awarded a grant from Brown University and the N