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The latest information on JUUL: 8 important things to know
The latest information and facts about JUULing based on the newest research and reports, as well as the company’s own testimony and documents from Congressio
Progress ending youth tobacco use stalled - National Youth Tobacco Survey 2015
Truth Initiative CEO Robin Koval responds to new data in the NYTS 2015.
Alex Parks
Alexandra Parks is responsible for strategic leadership in developing and managing partnerships with an array of stakeholders, including nonprofit organizati
Jessica Miller Rath
As a behavioral scientist, Dr. Jessica Rath leads the formative research and impact evaluation of the truth® campaign.
In Victory for Public Health, Federal Appeals Court Upholds FDA’s Graphic Cigarette Warnings
The appellate court decision affirms that the FDA’s graphic cigarette warnings are both scientifically and legally sound.
How the tobacco industry is renewing its assault on science
Recognizing that the tobacco industry’s participation in scientific spaces sows confusion and grants the tobacco industry credibility is the first step in pr
Featured partnerships
We partner with states and territories and some of the best brands and organizations on the planet. Here are some of the ways we’ve joined forces.
Why are 72% of smokers from lower-income communities?
Tobacco companies have targeted low-income populations in many ways over many years, creating smoking rate disparities that did not previously exist.
New study reveals teens 16 times more likely to use JUUL than older age groups
A first-of-its-kind study explores the rates and characteristics of JUUL use.
Why is smoking still being glamorized in media and pop culture?
Even as national smoking rates have declined to record lows, there has been a pervasive re-emergence of smoking imagery on screens.
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