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    Displaying 132 of 374 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in the Black American community

    This fact sheet about tobacco use among Black Americans outlines patterns of use, industry targeting, and health effects.

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    How tobacco control researchers can make flavored tobacco policies equitable

    Action-oriented, equity-focused strategies can ensure policies are maximally effective and reduce health disparities.

  3. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    New study: truth campaign effective in shifting knowledge and attitudes about vaping

    A new study is the first to show that young people who had seen truth® vaping prevention campaigns were more likely to have accurate e-cigarette knowledge.

  4. Report Report Research & Resources

    Gamechanger: Shifting from Tobacco Control to Ending the Industry’s Influence for Good

    The concept of “endgame” is a strategy to move to a time when commercial tobacco and nicotine use – with the exception of FDA-approved medications – are no l

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Q&A: How Big Tobacco preys on low-income communities

    University of Nevada, Reno, School of Community Health Science professor Dr.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Why the FDA needs to regulate e-cigarettes now

    As the tally of vaping-related deaths and cases of severe lung illness rises, youth e-cigarette use continues its rapid growth — 27.5% of high schoolers are

  7. Incoming FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf must stand up to the tobacco industry and protect youth from nicotine addiction

    The FDA now has the strong, science-driven leadership needed to take a stand on the risks of commercial nicotine and dangers of youth vaping.

  8. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Nicotine pouch ads follow e-cigarette marketing playbook and risk appealing to young people

    A new study underscores the need to monitor marketing and enforce regulation of new youth-appealing nicotine products.

  9. Page
  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    CDC highlights need for comprehensive smoke-free policies

    New data from the CDC shows that half the country is not protected from the harms of secondhand smoke via comprehensive smoke-free laws.

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    5 things the tobacco industry didn’t do until it was forced to

    Tobacco companies have historically not stopped or attempted to rectify some of their worst offenses until they were forced to by new regulations or a court

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources