truth and Vans team up to spread life-saving messages
truth® is a lifestyle brand. From the beginning, truth has been connected to music, gaming, sports, art and fashion.
How one student led her apartment complex to go tobacco-free
Truth Initiative® youth activism fellow Katelynd Todd was driven to adopt a new tobacco-free policy at her apartment complex after learning about the harms o
A growing problem: Examining a decade of menthol smoking rates
In 2014, youth and young adult smokers were more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes, which are easier to smoke and harder to quit than non-menthol cigarettes
truth campaign proven to drive down smoking rates across different demographic groups
A new Truth Initiative study found that the truth campaign has been effective and relevant for a broad audience of young people.
Harm Reduction Infographic
The tobacco industry has been trying to co-opt the term "harm reduction" as part of its business strategy to expand its user base.
Stop the Influence: Reject Big Tobacco and Vape Money
Truth Initiative and the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Black Women’s Health Imperative, and Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids are calling on organizations to reject funding and partnership from tobacco and vaping companies. Sign the pledge!
Cigarette filters mislead consumers, with 1 in 3 smokers falsely believing filters reduce harm
More than a third of current smokers (33.2%) erroneously believed filters make cigarettes less harmful to smoke, a line perpetuated by the tobacco industry,
4 Keys to Successfully Engaging Tobacco Users in Cessation at Shape Corp.
Best Practice Example of Inspiring Tobacco-free Lives with The EX Program
2020 state fact sheets
A look at the most recent tobacco use statistics in each state, including cigarette use, economics and state tobacco laws.
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