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    Displaying 96 of 374 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    The link between cannabis and tobacco

    This resource presents information about the current state of legalization and changing state laws regarding cannabis, the evolving product landscape, as wel

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Misplaced trust in tobacco companies tied to nearly doubled odds of vaping in young people

    New study shows young people had nearly twice the odds of using e-cigarettes if they thought that tobacco companies don’t want young people to try vaping so

  3. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in Minnesota 2020

    An up-to-date look at tobacco use rates, tobacco control funding, tobacco laws, cessation statistics, and tobacco tax in Minnesota.

  4. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in New York 2020

    An up-to-date look at tobacco use rates, tobacco control funding, tobacco laws, cessation statistics, and tobacco tax in New York.

  5. Report Report Research & Resources

    Vaping in the Workplace

    Regulations on vaping in the workplace are piecemeal at best, with less than half of states explicitly banning e-cigarette use in workplaces.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    truth® exposes unexpected ways tobacco affects young people

    Did you know that smoking may dull your taste buds, harm the environment, and even impact your sex life?

  7. FDA Puts Kids, Public Health at Risk by Allowing Philip Morris to Market IQOS Heated Cigarette as Modified Risk Tobacco Product

    Setting a dangerous precedent that puts public health at risk the FDA authorized the marketing of Philip Morris’ IQOS heated cigarette as a “modified risk to

  8. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Most young e-cigarette users want to quit, 1 in 3 has tried in the past year

    A majority of young e-cigarette users say they intend to quit, with one-third reporting a past-year quit attempt and 15% aiming to quit in the next month, ac

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Authorities step up measures to address unauthorized e-cigarette sales

    The battle against illegal e-cigarettes has intensified as federal and state authorities take action to protect young people from the thousands of unauthoriz

  10. Report Report Research & Resources

    The importance of tobacco taxes

    The research is clear — increases in tobacco taxes decrease tobacco use.

  11. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in Minnesota 2021

    An up-to-date look at tobacco use rates, tobacco control funding, tobacco laws, cessation statistics, and tobacco tax in Minnesota.

  12. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Study highlights rapid transitions in hookah use and risk factors for experimentation

    This study examined correlates of hookah use and predictors of hookah trial at a six-month follow-up in a nationally representative, prospective sample of U.