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Two new grants explore tobacco and marijuana use and the appeal of flavored tobacco
Researchers at the Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at Truth Initiative received grants tobacco use behavior among young adults.
New grants fund research linking cessation with lung cancer screening
Truth Initiative secured funding from the National Cancer Institute to study ways to help lung cancer screening patients quit smoking.
Hollywood still struggling to quit smoking in youth films
Nearly half of the top-grossing, PG-13 films released in 2015 featured tobacco imagery, and independent studios are responsible for a greater share of smokin
Depression, anxiety more commonly reported by young adult menthol tobacco users
Young adults who say they have used menthol tobacco products in the past 30 days are more likely to report symptoms of depression or anxiety, according to a
Where we stand: Invest in research on sub-populations
Tobacco is not an equal opportunity destroyer.
FTC intends to track e-cig sales and marketing
All indications are that the popularity of e-cigarettes is rising.
4 tips for quitting tobacco from Millie Martinez, a former menthol smoker
If you or someone you care about is making a pledge to quit smoking, there are tools and resources to help.
Vaping multiplies risk of COVID-19 in teens and young adults
Young people who had ever used e-cigarettes were five times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than those who hadn’t vaped.
Youth-rated films nominated for Oscars feature more tobacco imagery than previous years
Almost 80 percent of films that competed for a 2019 Oscar award featured tobacco imagery.
The unseen struggle of opioid addiction, withdrawal and treatment
The second phase of The Truth About Opioids campaign brings Americans face-to-face with a real opioid detox.
Court victory means FDA must act fast to put graphic warnings on cigarettes
A U.S. district court ordered the FDA to implement a requirement that graphic health warnings appear on cigarette packs and in advertising.
Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth?
Cigarette butts have the longstanding distinction of being the most littered item on earth, with about 4.5 trillion cigarettes discarded each year worldwide.
Displaying 204 of 518 Search Results