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    Displaying 960 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Court Ruling Against FDA’s Graphic Cigarette Warnings is Wrong on the Law and Must Be Appealed

    Today’s decision by a federal judge to block implementation of graphic cigarette warnings ordered by the FDA is wrong on the law, inconsistent with decades o

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    How graphic warning labels could trigger thoughts of quitting

    New research shows that viewing graphic anti-smoking images on cigarette packs triggers brain activity linked to emotion, decision-making and memory, suggest

  3. Report Report Research & Resources

    Menthol cigarettes: Attitudes, beliefs and policies

    A Truth Initiative study on menthol cigarettes reveals that confusion and misperceptions about menthol remain, but support for a ban on the flavoring is on t

  4. Truth Initiative’s Quit Vaping Program Effective in Helping 18- to 24-Year-Olds

    The randomized clinical trial found that This is Quitting increased quit rates among young adults aged 18-24 by nearly 40%

  5. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    When is crowdsourced data most useful for research?

    Crowdsourced data collection is gaining popularity because it is convenient, inexpensive and relatively quick.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Three tips for quitting smoking from an expert

    If you are quitting smoking, here are three pieces of advice from some of Dr. J. Taylor Hays, M.D. most popular blog posts.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    EX Program: how employers and health plans can save money and help people quit smoking

    Designed for employers, health systems and health plans to offer to employees and members, the EX® Program provides specialized treatment to help reduce the

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    10 steps to successfully make a plan to quit smoking

    Get a jump start on making your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking a successful one. Follow these 10 steps to making a quit plan.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 tips for boosting success with an online quit-smoking program

    As more smokers turn to the internet for help to quit, they can increase their chances of success with a few tips for making the most of online tools and res

  10. Vine stars debunk social smoking myths with truth

    Vine stars have an important message: no matter how much or how little you smoke, Big Tobacco gets paid every time you light up, so don’t get played!

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    6 tips for people trying to quit smoking

    Here are six tips to help you or someone you know successfully quit smoking and go smoke-free.

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Quitting smoking is more important than ever – here is how to get started now

    Quitting tobacco use has always been one of the best things a smoker can do to protect their health and it is especially critical now.