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    Displaying 276 of 1045 Search Results

  1. Report Report Research & Resources

    A classroom crisis: How the youth vaping epidemic is impacting teachers

    As the youth vaping epidemic continues to surge, schools are playing a central role in confronting and addressing the crisis.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Educators share how a free vaping prevention curriculum has helped their students

    As youth continue to use e-cigarettes at alarming rates, vaping has become a major distraction for many educators and students

  3. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    What would happen if new tobacco products ‘akin to iPhones’ were sold in the U.S.?

    The way IQOS is marketed raises concern about the appeal of heat-not-burn tobacco products to youth and young adults.

  4. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in the military

    The U.S. military has a culture of tobacco use, which decades of tobacco industry targeting has helped create and support.

  5. New report finds parents unaware that video games contain smoking images with many targeting teens

    Smoking is prevalent and often glamorized in video games played by youth, but a new report, released today by Truth Initiative®, finds that most parents are

  6. Report Report Research & Resources

    Straight to vape

    Study finds that youth and young adults with high exposure to popular streaming and TV shows containing tobacco images are three times more likely to start v

  7. Report Report Research & Resources

    A toxic, plastic problem: E-cigarette waste and the environment

    With a 399.73% increase in retail e-cigarette sales from 2015 through 2020, the environmental consequences of e-cigarette waste are enormous.

  8. Truth Initiative Names Initiative as Media Agency of Record

    Truth Initiative, a national public health organization dedicated to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empowering quitting for all, has

  9. Report Report Research & Resources

    Tobacco’s starring role

    Tobacco imagery maintained its recurring and often starring role in popular on-screen entertainment in 2021

  10. As Quitting Nicotine Trends on Social Media, truth® Supports Young People With Free Tools and Resources

    As Quitting Nicotine Trends on Social Media, truth® Supports Young People With Free Tools and Resources

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Authorities step up measures to address unauthorized e-cigarette sales

    The battle against illegal e-cigarettes has intensified as federal and state authorities take action to protect young people from the thousands of unauthoriz

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    To fully understand tobacco use among AANHPI, representation in research matters

    More specific data is needed to study tobacco use among the AANHPI community and help address disparities.