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But we've got plenty of content on that topic below.
Spinning a new tobacco industry: How Big Tobacco is trying to sell a do-gooder image and what Americans think about it
How Big Tobacco is trying to sell a do-gooder image and what Americans think about it
Smokeless tobacco: Facts, stats, and regulations
To spread the truth about smokeless tobacco, Truth Initiative has summarized the key facts for you to know, use and share.
Tobacco Nation: The deadly state of smoking disparity in the U.S.
Smoking rates in “Tobacco Nation” are undermining dramatic declines in smoking across America.
Flavored tobacco use among youth and young adults
A Truth Initiative fact sheet explains how flavors play a significant role in drawing youth and young adults to tobacco products.
The link between cannabis and tobacco
This resource presents information about the current state of legalization and changing state laws regarding cannabis, the evolving product landscape, as wel
Tobacco Nation: A Call to Eliminate Geographic Smoking Disparities in the U.S.
Smoking prevalence is nearly 50% higher in a group of Midwestern and Southern states compared to the rest of the country.
Displaying 138 of 138 Search Results