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    Displaying 48 of 1049 Search Results

  1. In Victory for Public Health, Federal Appeals Court Upholds FDA’s Graphic Cigarette Warnings

    The appellate court decision affirms that the FDA’s graphic cigarette warnings are both scientifically and legally sound.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 takeaways from the National Cancer Institute report on tobacco-related health disparities

    A new National Cancer Institute report highlights how tobacco use is highly concentrated among certain population groups.

  3. 2022 survey shows youth e-cigarette epidemic remains a serious public health threat

    Over 2.5 million teens use e-cigarettes with nearly half (46%) of high schoolers who vape doing so on a frequent basis putting a new generation at risk for a

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Is that video game a health risk? 3 things parents should know

    Some video games topping this year’s holiday wish lists contain imagery that could be putting the health of young people at risk.

  5. The JUUL/Altria partnership puts nation's public health at greater risk

    The FDA must use its full authority to stop the youth e-cigarette epidemic in the U.S.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Answers to five common questions about smoking and heart health

    During American Heart Month, we are highlighting five important facts about heart health from BecomeAnEX, Truth Initiative’s digital quit smoking program.

  7. Truth Initiative and CVS Health launch program to make HBCUs and community colleges tobacco-free

    Truth Initiative® and the CVS Health Foundation are joining together to work with students and administrators at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

  8. Health and Parent Groups Urge Trump Administration to Stand Strong and Implement Plan to Clear the Market of All Flavored E-Cigarettes – Kids’ Health Must Not Be Compromised

    We reiterate our strong and united support for the Administration’s plan, announced in September, to clear the market of all flavored e-cigarettes including

  9. HHS Smoking Cessation Framework Marks Important Step in Mitigating Tobacco-Related Disease and Health Disparities

    The smoking cessation framework released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) signifies an important step in advancing smoking cessation effo

  10. States still shortchanging prevention programs that save lives and health care dollars

    20 years after reaching a landmark legal settlement, states still spend only a small fraction of their tobacco revenue on prevention and quitting programs.

  11. White House Decision Not to Issue Final Menthol Rule Represents Huge Loss for Public Health, Social Justice

    The time to act is now, but instead the Administration has taken a pass on protecting public health and saving lives.