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    Displaying 660 of 1285 Search Results

  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Depression, anxiety more commonly reported by young adult menthol tobacco users

    Young adults who say they have used menthol tobacco products in the past 30 days are more likely to report symptoms of depression or anxiety, according to a

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    New report: Tobacco industry-funded group obscures its ties to infiltrate scientific journals

    Research by University of Bath and Corporate Accountability show that researchers affiliated with the Foundation for a Smoke Free World and its staff members

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Tobacco imagery featured in more Oscar-nominated movies this year, including 70% of Best Picture nominees

    Seven of the 10 films nominated for Best Picture at the 2023 Oscars and nearly two-thirds (64.1%) of all this year’s Oscar-nominated feature films contain to

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How tobacco and vaping companies are exploiting national crises to maintain their bottom lines, putting profit before public health

    Tobacco and vaping companies are exploiting the crises, and the vulnerable communities most impacted by them, to benefit their bank accounts.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Experts gather to discuss critical public health issues: Menthol and flavored tobacco

    Truth Initiative joined other experts at the Public Health Law Conference to support the need to solve critical public health issues: menthol and other flavo

  6. Report Report Research & Resources

    What does using tobacco and other substances together mean for young people?

    Original research conducted by Amy Cohn, Ph.D., from Truth Initiative reveals how alcohol and marijuana use among young adults are associated with many tobac

  7. Report Report Research & Resources

    Colorful and close to candy: Surveying how the tobacco industry markets flavored products in stores

    A survey of tobacco retailers in two major Ohio cities highlights how the tobacco industry uses an array of in-store marketing to make its products enticing

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Investigation reveals tobacco companies are secretly using social media to promote smoking

    An investigation finds that tobacco companies are recruiting young people with large social media followings to be influencers for their cigarette brands.

  9. Washington task force includes tobacco prevention and control in cancer moonshot recommendation

    By including tobacco control and primary prevention in the Washington task force recommendations for the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative, tremendous stri

  10. New U.S. Senate bill would raise tobacco legal age from 18 to 21

    The best way to protect adolescents from tobacco related illness and death is to help them avoid smoking altogether. We applaud the introduction of S.

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Youth-rated films nominated for Oscars feature more tobacco imagery than previous years

    Almost 80 percent of films that competed for a 2019 Oscar award featured tobacco imagery.

  12. Tobacco and pharmacies don’t mix: Truth Initiative attends annual Walgreens shareholder meeting

    Truth Initiative Attends Annual Walgreens Shareholder Meeting where the organization will again ask the company to reconsider selling tobacco products.