Stay up to date on the latest statements, announcements and press releases from Truth Initiative. For media inquiries and information, contact us at [email protected] or 202-454-5561.
Truth Initiative named top non-profit in Fast Company’s annual list of Most Innovative Companies for 2022
Truth Initiative has once again been named to Fast Company’s prestigious annual list of the...
truth debunks myth that vaping nicotine relieves stress
The new Breath of Stress Air effort busts the fantasy that vaping nicotine is a...
Incoming FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf must stand up to the tobacco industry and protect youth from nicotine addiction
The FDA now has the strong, science-driven leadership needed to take a stand on the...
EX Program by Truth Initiative leans into digital health boom to increase access for tobacco users, leading to record growth
The EX Program broke important new ground in 2021, with sharp increases in both new...
New Truth Initiative report shows troubling use of tobacco imagery in tv shows, movies and music videos most popular among youth as e-cigarette epidemic persists
While You Were Streaming: Nicotine on Demand is the fourth annual report from Truth Initiative that...
New survey shows progress on curbing teen vaping, but e-cigarette use remains high as access to flavors, risk of nicotine addiction, and impact on youth mental health concerns grow
The 2021 MTF data show progress in the fight to curb youth nicotine vaping, signaling...
Ending youth e-cigarette epidemic at risk if FDA doesn’t act fast to remove flavors and fully regulate products as industry quickly innovates
The latest NYTS data are consistent with other research which showed that youth e-cigarette use...
Truth Initiative and Surgeon General Take the Stage at The Atlantic Festival to Discuss Vaping as a Youth Mental Health Issue
Truth Initiative took to The Atlantic Festival stage during a session called Thrive: A Youth...
Leading Health Groups Urge FDA to Promptly Deny Marketing Applications for All Flavored E-Cigarettes, including Menthol
Organizations are urging the FDA to expedite decisions on remaining marketing applications for e-cigarettes and...
truth launches fake vape company “depression stick!” to make a point
Truth Initiative, revealed its latest youth e-cigarette education effort exposing nicotine’s role as a contributor...
FDA’s Delay on Largest E-Cigarette Companies’ Applications Allows Top Brands with 75% of the Market Share to Remain Widely Available, Extending the Youth Vaping Epidemic and Delaying Necessary Regulations to Help Smokers
We are very concerned that the FDA did not prioritize and complete the reviews of...
New Truth Initiative Study Finds That E-Cigarette Use Increases Odds of Youth Using Cigars, Little Cigars or Cigarillos (CLCCS)
According to a new study, young people 15-21 who use e-cigarettes or ever used JUUL...
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