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New study: Success of local flavored cigar sales restrictions underscores need for national regulations
Flavored cigar sales restrictions in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York significantly reduced cigar sales, according to new Truth Initiative r
E-cigarette market surges amid urgent need for comprehensive regulation and enforcement
New data are the latest in a growing body of research that highlight concerning trends in an e-cigarette market flooded with flavored products in increasingl
Smoking in Movies: 2020
Tobacco imagery in youth-rated movies still exists.
Truth Initiative & Mojo Supermarket’s anti-vaping effort scoops the US Grand Effie at the 2023 Effie Awards
Truth Initiative and Mojo Supermarket’s “Depression Stick + Breath of Stress Air,” with contributing agencies Gale, Allegiance Group, and Crux Research, was
Cigarettes are still a popular on-screen prop – and it’s fueling youth nicotine addiction
Cigarettes remain a popular prop even as peer-reviewed research finds that smoking images influence young people to start using tobacco products.
Research and evaluation
Our best-in-class research is conducted through the Truth Initiative Schroeder Institute – a widely respected research center that produces independent research to provide the evidence for policy change and evaluate the programmatic work of the organization – and our Innovations Center, a leader in cessation research that develops, evaluates, and provides the expert insights behind our market-leading cessation program EX Program.
Quit vaping study
Check to see if you’re eligible to participate in a clinical trial evaluating a new quit vaping program developed by Truth Initiative.
New study: Training educators on school e-cigarette policies critical for youth vaping prevention
Newly published research highlights the importance of instituting school e-cigarette policies and trainings to help curb the crisis.
And the Oscar goes to…the tobacco industry
Of the 10 films nominated for Best Picture, 80% featured smoking and vaping depictions.
New report: Tobacco industry-funded group obscures its ties to infiltrate scientific journals
Research by University of Bath and Corporate Accountability show that researchers affiliated with the Foundation for a Smoke Free World and its staff members
How the tobacco industry’s new products could be leading to more nicotine addiction
Public health leaders and researchers joined Truth Initiative to discuss the proliferation of new tobacco products that threaten to reverse years of progress
As streaming soars, these binge-worthy shows frequently depict tobacco
Watching shows in a compressed time may influence the amount and intensity of exposure.
Displaying 48 of 128 Search Results
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