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    Displaying 36 of 917 Search Results

  1. Public Health Groups Call on FDA to Deny Authorization of Sale For JUUL E-Cigarette Products

    We call upon the FDA to take a strong stand for public health by denying products that do not meet the statutory requirement that manufacturers prove their p

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Public health and civil rights groups call on White House to stop delaying and end menthol cigarette sales

    Public health and civil rights groups gathered for a “Menthol Funeral” to protest the administration’s delay in finalizing the Food and Drug Administration’s

  3. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    How the tobacco industry uses sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception

    The tobacco industry is taking advantage of marketing channels that are still open to them to remake their reputations by promoting their products as “safer

  4. White House Delay in Issuing Final Menthol and Flavored Cigar Rules Represents Huge Loss for Public Health, Social Justice

    Lack of action squanders the ability to save lives, protect youth and stand up for social justice by reducing health disparities.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How tobacco and vaping companies are exploiting national crises to maintain their bottom lines, putting profit before public health

    Tobacco and vaping companies are exploiting the crises, and the vulnerable communities most impacted by them, to benefit their bank accounts.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How Big Tobacco is trying to makeover its image and protect its bottom line at the expense of public health

    As the youth e-cigarette use epidemic intensifies, the tobacco industry is undertaking a massive publicity effort to convince people it has turned over a new

  7. Biden Administration’s Historic Action on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars Marks Tremendous Win for Public Health

    We applaud the FDA for choosing to be on the right side of science by announcing it will begin the process within the year for rulemaking to prohibit the sal

  8. National Public and Minority Health Organizations Launch Stop the Influence, a Pledge Campaign to Reject Big Tobacco and Vape Money

    A call to organizations to sign a pledge to reject funding from or any form or partnership with companies that sell any tobacco or vaping products.

  9. FDA Puts Kids, Public Health at Risk by Allowing Philip Morris to Market IQOS Heated Cigarette as Modified Risk Tobacco Product

    Setting a dangerous precedent that puts public health at risk the FDA authorized the marketing of Philip Morris’ IQOS heated cigarette as a “modified risk to

  10. Truth Initiative calls on the FDA to immediately remove all unauthorized e-cigarettes including synthetic nicotine now on the market illegally to protect public health

    Truth Initiative calls on the FDA’s leadership to immediately remove all synthetic nicotine products now on the market illegally

  11. Tobacco industry using sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception and makeover its image despite continued sale of harmful products, Truth Initiative research shows

    Big Tobacco is turning to sponsored content in America’s most prestigious news outlets to rehabilitate its poor image and continue efforts to mislead the pub

  12. FDA’s decision to deny JUUL marketing authorization is a major public health victory; but swift action on other leading brands must be taken as new data shows youth e-cigarette initiation continues

    Today’s announcement by the FDA to deny marketing authorizations for all JUUL e-cigarettes, thereby making them an illegally marketed product, is a huge publ