3 ways tobacco use impacts your sex life
Big Tobacco works hard to make smoking and vaping seem sexy.
Multi-million-dollar JUUL settlement for igniting youth e-cigarette epidemic is an opportunity to accelerate progress to end youth vaping through proven-effective youth prevention education and quitting programs
With this imminent major victory against JUUL, there is a tremendous opportunity to accelerate and amplify successes like these through the deployment of pro
Tobacco use among Hispanic and Latino Americans
Tobacco use among Hispanic and Latino Americans Infographic
Tobacco and the environment
Tobacco and the environment one page infographic
The Master Settlement Agreement: 4 ways the landmark tobacco settlement changed tobacco control
Twenty-five years ago, 46 states plus D.C.
Truth Initiative and EVERFI Collaborate to Launch Updated Prescription Drug Safety Curriculum for Middle and High School Students Amid Growing Youth Overdose Crisis
This expanded, free digital course aims to equip students with essential knowledge to protect themselves and others from the risks associated with both presc
Young leaders engage in tobacco prevention as truth Ambassadors
Thirteen young leaders from across the country are committed to inspiring tobacco/vape-free lives with truth as the new class of truth Ambassadors.
4 tips for quitting tobacco from Millie Martinez, a former menthol smoker
If you or someone you care about is making a pledge to quit smoking, there are tools and resources to help.
The link between cannabis and tobacco
This resource presents information about the current state of legalization and changing state laws regarding cannabis, the evolving product landscape, as wel
Tobacco use among Hispanic and Latino Americans
This fact sheet about smoking and Hispanic/Latino Americans outlines patterns of use, industry targeting and health effects.
FDA takes steps on flavored e-cigarettes, but leaves youth at risk for addiction
Proposed FDA restrictions on flavored e-cigarettes and cigars are a step in the right direction, but they’re no match for the soaring rate of e-cigarette use
Truth Initiative Launches Animated truth® Campaign: "Toxic Therapy from Your Vape" featuring Actor Chris Parnell to Address Alarming Connection between Vaping Nicotine and Youth Mental Health
The campaign features Chris Parnell in an animated role as a vape-turned-faux therapist, shedding light on the misconception that vaping nicotine helps allev
Displaying 108 of 1035 Search Results