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    Displaying 756 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Cigars: Facts, stats and regulations

    Truth Initiative summarized the truth about little cigars, cigarillos and cigars.

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  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    What is Zyn and what are oral nicotine pouches?

    As youth e-cigarette use remains a public health concern a different type of flavored nicotine product is gaining popularity: oral nicotine pouches.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Quitting e-cigarettes

    Truth Initiative has expanded its quit-smoking resources to include the first-of-its kind e-cigarette quit program.

  5. White House Decision Not to Issue Final Menthol Rule Represents Huge Loss for Public Health, Social Justice

    The time to act is now, but instead the Administration has taken a pass on protecting public health and saving lives.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Expanding our mission with an opioid education and prevention campaign

    Truth Initiative is collaborating with the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Ad Council on an opioid public education and prevention truth campa

  7. The truth about opioids campaign wins Emmy award

    The youth and young adult opioid misuse prevention and education campaign, The Truth About Opioids, won an Emmy in the Outstanding Special Class – Short Form

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    Our top issues

    In our fight to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction, we focus on the issues that matter most. To identify these priorities, we constantly monitor, investigate and analyze the latest topics and trends in commercial tobacco and substance use. These are our top issues.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Smoking and vaping in young people’s favorite shows isn’t just rampant, it’s often glamorized too

    Shows most popular with young people frequently portray tobacco in a positive light – as glamorous, rebellious, and a status symbol – and even depict youth a

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    The opioid crisis

    Young people are particularly vulnerable to opioid misuse. Two decades of combating commercial tobacco use has prepared us to continue the fight and contribute to ending this epidemic by sharing our expertise in youth and young adult education and prevention.

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    E-cigarette CEOs admit under oath that they do not know all the harmful health effects of nicotine

    Chief executives of major e-cigarette companies admitted, under oath, that their products can lead to nicotine addiction and that they do not know all of the

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    Get Involved

    Join us in investigating, exposing, and amplifying the truth about commercial tobacco. Learn about how you can help achieve a future free from lifelong addiction through activism, scholarships, studies, and more. You can also join us to learn more about the opioid epidemic, the dangers of opioid misuse and addiction, and the role you can play in creating change in your community. Let’s work together.