Vaping content on Instagram violates federal regulations and social media platform policies
Influencer content that promotes vaping on Instagram frequently violates both federal advertising regulations and the social media platform’s policies.
How colleges are sustaining momentum for tobacco/vape-free campus policies virtually
3 ways colleges and truth® College Leaders have been pushing forward in a virtual capacity to educate and build support for a tobacco-free campus.
truth Ambassadors combat nicotine use through mental health and self-care efforts
Learn how some of the young leaders made a difference in their community by focusing on the intersection between mental health and nicotine.
The truth about opioids
The Truth About Opioids is helping young people understand the facts about opioids, the risk of addiction and the crucial role they can play in solving the c
Truth Initiative® awards five truth IMPACT scholarships to young adult leaders making a difference in their communities
Recipients from California, Georgia, Maine, North Dakota and Texas are taking action to address youth nicotine use and its impact on mental health, social ju
Key concerns about FDA’s first e-cigarette authorization for Vuse Solo
As the FDA considers the pending applications, it is imperative the agency carefully reviews manufacturer marketing plans, advertising, and perception studie
Opioid dependence can happen after just 5 days
Young Americans are particularly vulnerable to misunderstanding the risks associated with opioid misuse, addiction and the dangerous spiral down from prescri
Surgeon General joins Truth Initiative Impact Series to discuss nicotine and mental health
The latest Truth Initiative Impact Series, “Exposing Vaping as a Mental Health Issue,” was first broadcast as part of a larger session at The Atlantic Festiv
JUUL on YouTube
Researchers found more than 8,000 JUUL-related videos that received a total of 260 million views over the 3-year period from 2016 to 2018.
How e-cigarette brands are trying to link vaping with mental health
As youth e-cigarette use remains at epidemic levels and many young people report mental health concerns amid the pandemic, these marketing themes can be seen
Children’s book encourages Native American youth to reject tobacco
Standing in front of a classroom of American Indian elementary school students in Santa Fe, N.M., Logan Brown told them that they were going to draw the pict
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