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    Displaying 552 of 1285 Search Results

  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Measuring disparities in tobacco advertising exposure

    How can we better measure people’s exposure to tobacco advertising? And what effect does that exposure have?

  2. Video Video Research & Resources

    Alma Adams takes on the tobacco industry

    Alma Adams, a two-term U.S. representative from Greensboro, N.C.

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Election results: The state of tobacco taxes

    How did tobacco taxes fare in the 2016 election?

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How the tobacco industry markets vaping nicotine as stress relief

    Some vape manufacturers are using a similar strategy to market e-cigarettes that tobacco companies used for decades to sell cigarettes: advertising them as s

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where we stand: Tobacco and the cancer moonshot

    Truth Initiative is urging the National Cancer Moonshot Task Force to take immediate action to emphasize tobacco control in the initiative.

  6. Infographic Infographic Research & Resources

    Tobacco product use among women

    Tobacco product use among U.S. adult women

  7. Report Report Research & Resources

    Achieving health equity in tobacco control

    Tobacco use is not an equal opportunity killer.

  8. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    What would happen if new tobacco products ‘akin to iPhones’ were sold in the U.S.?

    The way IQOS is marketed raises concern about the appeal of heat-not-burn tobacco products to youth and young adults.

  9. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Twitter marketing on new heated tobacco products transforms into word-of-mouth conversations

    Twitter posts about new heated tobacco products like IQOS, Ploom, and Glo doubled in number and shifted from majority commercial tweets to majority organic p

  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Q&A: The importance of addressing tobacco use among Hispanic/Latino communities

    Truth Initiative gains insight on tobacco use in the community and why it’s important to address it.

  11. EX Program from Truth Initiative announces new AI-driven recommender engine for tobacco cessation

    For the first time, an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven program is being deployed to help adults nationwide quit smoking, vaping, and using nicotine.

  12. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Misplaced trust in tobacco companies tied to nearly doubled odds of vaping in young people

    New study shows young people had nearly twice the odds of using e-cigarettes if they thought that tobacco companies don’t want young people to try vaping so