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    Displaying 36 of 261 Search Results

  1. The harmful impact of further delays in the FDA’s e-cigarette review

    Any extension should be brief, and tobacco companies cannot be allowed to use this public health emergency to continue avoiding their legal obligation.

  2. FDA’s announcement on Logic’s e-cigarette products underscores urgent need for decisions on top e-cigarette brands comprising 75% of the market and should include menthol flavors

    We are grateful to see movement again by the FDA on the e-cigarette pre-market approval process under Dr. Califf’s leadership

  3. Truth Initiative Applauds FDA Decision on Big Tobacco’s Menthol E-Cigarette Products

    Truth Initiative applauds the FDA's decision to issue marketing denial orders (MDOs) for two of R.J.

  4. Truth Initiative Statement on Reagan-Udall Foundation Evaluation of FDA’s Tobacco Program

    The report issued this week from the Reagan-Udall Foundation identifies operational improvements needed to ensure CTP can effectively do the full breadth of

  5. On the State of Racial Injustice in America

    As an organization dedicated to saving lives and protecting our nation’s most vulnerable populations, Truth Initiative is committed to be agents of change.

  6. FDA’s first marketing denial orders on menthol e-cigarettes underscore substantial risks menthol and flavored products pose to youth and young adults

    Truth Initiative is encouraged by the FDA's decision to issue marketing denial orders for two Logic brand menthol e-cigarette products.

  7. Young Activists Join with truth® to Demand Action on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

    Youth and young adults deliver digital petition during in-person meetings with the White House and Congressional members.

  8. Health and Parent Groups Urge Trump Administration to Stand Strong and Implement Plan to Clear the Market of All Flavored E-Cigarettes – Kids’ Health Must Not Be Compromised

    We reiterate our strong and united support for the Administration’s plan, announced in September, to clear the market of all flavored e-cigarettes including

  9. New surgeon general’s report highlights the need for evidence-based quit programs, deems e-cigarettes not a cessation tool

    The surgeon general’s report on tobacco cessation underscores the need to help Americans who smoke and the millions of teens using tobacco products, primaril

  10. Raising the Legal Age to Purchase Tobacco is an Important Added Tool in the Fight, But is Insufficient to End the Youth E-cigarette Epidemic

    Creating a federal Tobacco 21 policy is a step in the right direction to reduce youth tobacco initiation, but it alone cannot be viewed as sufficient to solv

  11. Incoming FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf must stand up to the tobacco industry and protect youth from nicotine addiction

    The FDA now has the strong, science-driven leadership needed to take a stand on the risks of commercial nicotine and dangers of youth vaping.