Education level and tobacco use
Highest level of education and tobacco use
Truth Initiative Partners with Pennsylvania’s Office of Attorney General to Provide Prescription Drug Safety Course, Powered by EVERFI from Blackbaud
Prescription Drug Safety: Know the truth will empower Pennsylvania youth to become safe and informed users of medication, while also providing the tools to r
How effective are tobacco control policies?
Tobacco taxes have the greatest potential to slash smoking rates, according to a review of studies that use simulation models to assess the existing and futu
Tobacco and cancer: What are the survival rates?
Nearly 30 percent of cancer deaths in the United States can be attributed to tobacco use, according to a new report.
U.S. E-cigarette Sales Climbed during 2020-2022
A study released today found that overall e-cigarette monthly unit sales increased by 46.6%—from 15.5 million units in January of 2020, to 22.7 million units
San Francisco voters uphold a law banning the sale of flavored tobacco
Voters took a stand against Big Tobacco, approving Proposition E, which prohibits local tobacco retailers from selling flavored tobacco products, including m
Sex sells: A look at the tobacco industry’s use of sexual themes to sell products
As the tobacco industry has evolved, companies continue to use sex to appeal to consumers and associate tobacco products with masculinity and virility.
Tobacco industry allies launch outrageous attack on FDA efforts to protect kids, save lives
This attack is an orchestrated effort by the tobacco industry and its political allies to protect the industry’s profits at the expense of our nation’s child
Tobacco is a social justice issue: Mental health
Tobacco use disproportionately affects many marginalized populations—the same groups who have a long history of being exploited by the tobacco industry.
Tobacco product use among women
Tobacco product use among U.S. adult women
3 states pass tobacco 21 laws in 3 weeks
In the span of under 21 days this summer, New Jersey, Maine and Oregon raised the legal minimum age to purchase tobacco from 18 to 21.
Displaying 600 of 1038 Search Results