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    Displaying 600 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Truth Initiative® joins Virgin Pulse partner program to help millions quit tobacco

    The EX Program joins a network of clinically proven digital health and wellness tools as part of Virgin Pulse’s Partner Network.

  2. FDA Puts Kids, Public Health at Risk by Allowing Philip Morris to Market IQOS Heated Cigarette as Modified Risk Tobacco Product

    Setting a dangerous precedent that puts public health at risk the FDA authorized the marketing of Philip Morris’ IQOS heated cigarette as a “modified risk to

  3. truth takes on tobacco during the 2017 Vans Warped Tour

    truth, the longest running national youth tobacco prevention campaign, and its crew of tour riders are on the road for their 18th summer on the Vans Warped T

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    78 groups call for tobacco education in head start programs

    We’re leading the charge with 77 other non-profit and government agencies, corporations and individuals to urge the U.S.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    As Oscar season kicks off, tobacco imagery still pervades movies

    As youth vaping remains at epidemic levels, tobacco imagery in movies can contribute to an overall problem.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    truth® exposes unexpected ways tobacco affects young people

    Did you know that smoking may dull your taste buds, harm the environment, and even impact your sex life?

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Survey: Walgreens shoppers want tobacco gone from stores

    Nearly three-quarters of Walgreens shoppers say the pharmacy chain should ban the sale of tobacco products.

  8. Report Report Research & Resources

    Pharmacists and customers agree: Tobacco does not belong in pharmacies

    Pharmacies are a top destination for health care, yet most major pharmacy chains sell tobacco — a product that kills 1,300 people every day.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    What do pharmacists think about their stores selling tobacco?

    To learn more about how pharmacists view the issue, Truth Initiative led a discussion with a group of 29 pharmacists in December 2018.

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Why racial and ethnic discrimination matters in the tobacco fight

    Racial and ethnic minorities exposed to tobacco marketing and who also report experiencing discrimination are more likely to smoke.

  11. Big Tobacco finally forced to tell the truth about its deadly products through court-ordered ads

    The tobacco industry has begun publishing advertisements, or “corrective statements,” outlining the truth about the deadly and harmful effects of cigarettes.

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How tobacco companies linked cigarettes and mental health

    Truth Initiative® explores three ways that tobacco companies linked cigarettes and mental health.