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    Displaying 528 of 1285 Search Results

  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Is fear of gaining weight getting in the way of quitting tobacco?

    It’s true that many smokers put on weight after they quit, but understanding why can help you beat the odds.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 key messages from CDC’s tobacco education campaign

    The CDC Tips From Former Smokers® campaign has returned to continue raising awareness of the dangers of smoking through real stories of people living with sm

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Are video games glamorizing tobacco use?

    Participants in a new survey of video game players said they felt tobacco or nicotine was portrayed negatively in only 6.5 percent of games where tobacco use

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    It’s time for pharmacies to stop selling tobacco

    53,566 pharmacies sold tobacco in 2016.

  5. Report Report Research & Resources

    Tobacco Nation: A Call to Eliminate Geographic Smoking Disparities in the U.S.

    Smoking prevalence is nearly 50% higher in a group of Midwestern and Southern states compared to the rest of the country.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    JUUL e-cigarette craze highlights why flavored tobacco products are so dangerous

    Cigarettes came in flavors like berry, vanilla, margarita and many others until 2009, when federal lawmakers banned them — with the exception of menthol — du

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Six highlights from the Tobacco Control special issue on flavors

    With flavors that can seem like they belong in a candy shop—including strawberry, licorice, and chocolate–some tobacco products may appear to be less harmful

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    A decade of the Tobacco Control Act: Where are we now?

    As we mark 10 years since passage of the act, here’s a look at its accomplishments as well as the critical gaps remaining.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Action needed: Strong tobacco 21 policies

    There’s been strong public support for tobacco 21 policies, but new developments risk seriously undermining the full impact of these measures.

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Using pop culture to end tobacco for good

    New research is proving the effectiveness of leveraging televised pop culture events to premiere ads that drive extended conversation around the topic of tob

  11. Tobacco industry allies launch outrageous attack on FDA efforts to protect kids, save lives

    This attack is an orchestrated effort by the tobacco industry and its political allies to protect the industry’s profits at the expense of our nation’s child

  12. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Students rewarded scholarships for taking action on tobacco

    Two young tobacco control activists received $5,000 Alma S. Adams scholarships for innovatively confronting tobacco use in their communities.