3 states pass tobacco 21 laws in 3 weeks
In the span of under 21 days this summer, New Jersey, Maine and Oregon raised the legal minimum age to purchase tobacco from 18 to 21.
5 strategies for passing local laws against flavored tobacco
A new Truth Initiative® report summarizes interviews with public health officials to uncover what it takes to takes to pass policies restricting flavored tob
Two new grants explore tobacco and marijuana use and the appeal of flavored tobacco
Researchers at the Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at Truth Initiative received grants tobacco use behavior among young adults.
Big Tobacco forced to tell the truth with TV and print ads
Tobacco companies are being forced to run court-ordered TV and newspaper ads about how they manipulated cigarettes and lied to the American people.
Alma Adams takes on the tobacco industry
Alma Adams, a two-term U.S. representative from Greensboro, N.C.
Investigation reveals tobacco companies are secretly using social media to promote smoking
An investigation finds that tobacco companies are recruiting young people with large social media followings to be influencers for their cigarette brands.
7 solutions for reducing tobacco use disparities
A group of top health and advocacy experts recently came together to tackle one of the biggest problems facing public health: What can we do to eliminate tob
Measuring disparities in tobacco advertising exposure
How can we better measure people’s exposure to tobacco advertising? And what effect does that exposure have?
States can help finish the fight against tobacco by boosting funding for tobacco prevention
The states are missing a golden opportunity to save millions of lives and billions of dollars in health care costs because they continue to shortchange prove
California assembly revives tobacco restrictions
The California Assembly has passed six different tobacco control bills in one day, taking a major step toward new protections for youth in the most populous
Using pop culture to end tobacco for good
New research is proving the effectiveness of leveraging televised pop culture events to premiere ads that drive extended conversation around the topic of tob
#STOPPROFILING: Tobacco is a social justice issue
The tobacco industry deliberately singles out communities that already face adversity and inequality with aggressive marketing tactics that equal profiling.<
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