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    Displaying 24 of 162 Search Results

  1. Report Report Research & Resources

    The price is not right

    Majority of adults, and at least a quarter of current smokers, strongly favor efforts to raise tobacco prices.

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Most young users put disposable e-cigarettes in trash, creating huge streams of toxic and hazardous waste, as companies fail to take responsibility

    E-cigarette products are evolving so quickly that guidance and information on disposing e-cigarette waste responsibly struggles to keep up.

  3. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Cigars: Facts, stats and regulations

    Truth Initiative summarized the truth about little cigars, cigarillos and cigars.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where we stand: Raising the tobacco age to 21

    Truth Initiative supports raising the minimum age of sale for all tobacco products to 21, as part of a strong tobacco control policy program.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Journal article makes case for holding tobacco companies responsible for toxic waste

    Tobacco producers should be held to the same environmental cleanup standards as other toxic waste products, according to a special communication published in

  6. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Policies to reduce cigarette litter have strong support

    Nearly three-quarters (72.4%) of U.S.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 things you can do about toxic cigarette litter

    About 4.5 trillion cigarettes are discarded each year worldwide, making cigarette butts the most littered item on earth.

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth?

    Cigarette butts have the longstanding distinction of being the most littered item on earth, with about 4.5 trillion cigarettes discarded each year worldwide.

  9. Page
  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Great Outdoors Month: Keep nature great by ending tobacco use

    June is Great Outdoors Month; cigarettes and cigarette butts make up nearly 38 percent of all litter collected in the United States.

  11. 2017 Shorty Social Good Awards

    Environment & Sustainability

    Cigarettes:  The Ultimate Clingy Ex

  12. 7 youth-serving groups in Tennessee receive grants to help their communities go smoke-free

    Truth Initiative awarded grants to seven youth-serving groups in the state to help raise awareness about smoke-free environments and reduce secondhand smoke