Truth Initiative® awards five truth IMPACT scholarships to young adult leaders making a difference in their communities
Recipients from California, Georgia, Maine, North Dakota and Texas are taking action to address youth nicotine use and its impact on mental health, social ju
Policies to reduce cigarette litter have strong support
Nearly three-quarters (72.4%) of U.S.
Tobacco companies rely on the retail environment to reach both current and future customers by advertising their products and normalizing the presence of tobacco products in everyday life. The tobacco industry spends nearly $1 million per hour on marketing tobacco products in the retail environment, and it works - when discounts and promotions are advertised in stores, tobacco product sales go up by as much as 30%.
Learn more about the tobacco retail environment in the sections below or read the full report.
Cigarette filters mislead consumers, with 1 in 3 smokers falsely believing filters reduce harm
More than a third of current smokers (33.2%) erroneously believed filters make cigarettes less harmful to smoke, a line perpetuated by the tobacco industry,
Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth?
Cigarette butts have the longstanding distinction of being the most littered item on earth, with about 4.5 trillion cigarettes discarded each year worldwide.
truth® exposes unexpected ways tobacco affects young people
Did you know that smoking may dull your taste buds, harm the environment, and even impact your sex life?
7 youth-serving groups in Tennessee receive grants to help their communities go smoke-free
Truth Initiative awarded grants to seven youth-serving groups in the state to help raise awareness about smoke-free environments and reduce secondhand smoke
3 things you can do about toxic cigarette litter
About 4.5 trillion cigarettes are discarded each year worldwide, making cigarette butts the most littered item on earth.
How one student led her apartment complex to go tobacco-free
Truth Initiative® youth activism fellow Katelynd Todd was driven to adopt a new tobacco-free policy at her apartment complex after learning about the harms o
Journal article makes case for holding tobacco companies responsible for toxic waste
Tobacco producers should be held to the same environmental cleanup standards as other toxic waste products, according to a special communication published in
Great Outdoors Month: Keep nature great by ending tobacco use
June is Great Outdoors Month; cigarettes and cigarette butts make up nearly 38 percent of all litter collected in the United States.
Happy 100th, National Parks! Now, how about going 100 percent smoke-free?
As the National Park Service celebrates 100 years, it has an opportunity to take another leap forward in its mission by going 100 percent smoke-free.
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