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    Displaying 708 of 1285 Search Results

  1. Tobacco Tale of Two Nations: New Report Shows 13 States Have Higher Smoking Rates and Greater Health Consequences Than Rest of U.S.

    New report underscores a tale of two nations when it comes to tobacco use - one of dramatic declines in smoking rates, and one where a huge swath of the U.S.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Historical films and TV depict smoking — not its harmful health impacts

    Despite long-established research that on-screen smoking influences young people to use tobacco products, cigarettes remain a popular prop in historical film

  3. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    E-cigarettes: Facts, stats and regulations

    What is an e-cigarette? How much nicotine is in an e-cigarette? Are e-cigarettes as harmful as cigarettes?

  4. Girl vaping and texting
    Spinning a new tobacco industry: How Big Tobacco is trying to sell a do-gooder image and what Americans think about it

  5. Tobacco industry using sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception and makeover its image despite continued sale of harmful products, Truth Initiative research shows

    Big Tobacco is turning to sponsored content in America’s most prestigious news outlets to rehabilitate its poor image and continue efforts to mislead the pub

  6. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Menthol: Facts, stats and regulations

    Menthol makes cigarettes and other tobacco products easier to smoke — and harder to quit.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    3 important things to know about quitting nicotine during times of stress

    Nicotine use – whether through smoking or vaping – can increase stress levels, and quitting nicotine can improve mental health.

  8. Report Report Research & Resources

    Straight to vape

    Study finds that youth and young adults with high exposure to popular streaming and TV shows containing tobacco images are three times more likely to start v