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    Displaying 420 of 693 Search Results

  1. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use among Hispanic and Latino Americans

    This fact sheet about smoking and Hispanic/Latino Americans outlines patterns of use, industry targeting and health effects.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Increasing funding for state tobacco prevention key to reducing high school vaping

    Increasing state tobacco control spending could significantly decrease high school student vaping and frequency of vaping among high school e-cigarette users

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How quitting nicotine can improve mental health

    Quitting can alleviate symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and lead to long-term improved mental health, and free, anonymous quit support tailored specifically t

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    Who We Are

    Truth Initiative® is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization committed to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empowering quitting for all. We investigate, expose, and amplify the truth about smoking, vaping, and nicotine through groundbreaking research and policy studies, our award-winning truth® campaign, community activism and engagement, and innovations to end tobacco use.

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    Detail Page Title

    Short intro description about the detail page goes here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Q&A: Why quitting smoking should be included in substance use and mental health treatment

    A Truth Initiative research investigator explains why helping patients quit smoking should be part of mental health and substance abuse recovery.

  7. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Most young e-cigarette users want to quit, 1 in 3 has tried in the past year

    A majority of young e-cigarette users say they intend to quit, with one-third reporting a past-year quit attempt and 15% aiming to quit in the next month, ac

  8. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Tobacco use in LGBT communities

    It’s common for LGBT individuals to experience disparities that stem from social stigma and discriminatory treatment.

  9. Tobacco industry using sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception and makeover its image despite continued sale of harmful products, Truth Initiative research shows

    Big Tobacco is turning to sponsored content in America’s most prestigious news outlets to rehabilitate its poor image and continue efforts to mislead the pub

  10. Report Report Research & Resources

    Colliding Crises: Youth Mental Health and Nicotine Use

    Two health crises among youth — a mental health crisis and a vaping epidemic — pose increasing threats to a generation of young people.

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